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Cosplay Contest

Cosplayer: Valara Atran        

Photographer: Shakil Hussain


Kids- All Kids will receive a prize.

Group- $200

Novice- $100

Journeymen- $250

Masters- $450




Open to kids ages 12 and under. All participants will receive a prize. 



Groups will be judged together and not as individuals. Maximum number of people in a group is 5, although more can be requested.




Ages 13 and up

  1. Someone who has not won an award in any Category before

  2. First time cosplayers



Journeyman -intermediate 

Ages 13 and up

  1. Must not have won in an equal or higher category before. 

  2. You are allowed to enter into this category if you have never won in novice or if this is your first time but will ultimately be decided by the judges.



Master-for professionals

Ages 13 and up

  1. Must not have won in a Masters class before.

  2. You are allowed to enter into this category if you have never won a contest or if this is your first time but will ultimately be decided by the judges.


Walk on/Pre-Show

Don't want to compete but still want to be apart of the contest? Enter as a walk on and be apart of our pre-show.


Prejudging is mandatory and goes from 10:00am-12:00pm in Room 4 in the Mary Winspear Centre. You can register beforehand online. It is first come first serve and space is limited so apply now! If you miss pre registration you are able to be put on a wait list the day of.


*It is recommended you register early online as space is limited.


A quick rundown of prejudging at Van Isle Con

The purpose of prejudging is to ensure we see all the hard work you put into your costumes and to get any info that may be lost while on stage. We want to make sure you are in the correct category and are fairly judged.


Prejudging takes place in a closed room where it is just you and the judges. This is to provide privacy so you can ask questions and feel free to provide the judges with information and details about your costume. Contestants will only have 3-5 minutes and masters will have 7-10 minutes for prejudging so be prepared.

​Be Prepared

  1. It is good to bring a reference photo of the character you are cosplaying as. It gives the judges a better understanding of what you are trying to achieve. Not all judges will know your character. It is best to print out the pictures you would like to show as it guarantees the judges will be able to see it. It is also a good idea to have multiple reference photos from different angles. 

  2. Come in costume and ready to answer questions.

  3. When answering questions and talking about your work, things to talk about are materials used, method, highlight important features, ect.

What to expect

  1. You should expect to have the judges to ask many questions and have them thoroughly look over your costumes while Looking for details and craftsmanship.

  2. You should not expect judges to treat you unfairly or give unwanted critiques about your skill level or artistic choices. 

  3. You can expect a private judging where you are able to feel comfortable and free to ask questions.


Pre Register Now!

All contestants (excluding kids category) must have made 80% of their costumes to participate in the contest portion. Cosplayers will be judged on two different aspects.


  1. Craftsmanship - based on details such as how well the costume was put together, the effort and skill level involved in doing so.

  2. Presentation - based on how the costume looks on stage, how close the likeness is to what you were trying to achieve. 


If you are wearing a costume that you did not create or you bought, you will be able to do a walk on but are not eligible to win prizes.


If your costume was created by someone else and you are only modelling, the creator is able to enter under the creator’s name.


Contestants will have up to 2 minutes on stage to showcase their costumes and will be introduced by a presenter.




Questions regarding the contest?

Van Isle Comic Con Rules And Regulations


Harassment Policy

Van Isle Comic Con (VICC) is dedicated to providing a safe space for all visitors and participants, regardless of gender, race or religion and members of the LGBTQ community.


VICC will not tolerate harassment of any form. Including but not limited to verbal or physical harassment, hate speech, stalking, sexual harassment and/or unwanted touching and advances.


Any attendees experiencing or witnessing any form of harassment are asked to report it to a staff member, volunteer or security.


Costume Policy


VIIC maintains the right to prevent admittance to those wearing costumes that do not meet the family friendly guidelines. Failure to follow said guidelines may result in removal from the premises.


All costumes are required to have an opaque fabric of sorts covering all appropriate areas of the body.


No nudity is allowed.


Costumes must stay within the sci-fi/fantasy, television, books, pop culture, comic, animation and gaming world.


Prop Policy


All weapons/props must adhere to the following guidelines. Failure to do so may result in the removal from the premises.


All props must be approved before entry of VICC at our prop check desk. Props that do not meet our guidelines may be checked at the prop desk.


Projectiles and Firearms


Real firearms whether functioning or not will not be allowed on the VICC premises. Replica firearms are also banned.


Props capable of firing projectiles of any kind are not permitted. This is for the safety of you and others around you. Foam dart guns are allowed but please remove any darts beforehand.


Swords, Knives and other weapons


Metal knives, swords and active martial arts style weapons are not allowed on the premises. Costume

swords must remain tied to your person in such a way, as they cannot be drawn.


Other Props


Yaoi Paddles are banned from use at the VICC.

Hockey sticks, baseball bats, golf clubs and other blunt force objects are prohibited.

No props with sharp edges, excessive weight, or anything else that can be deemed hazardous to others. Any non-approved weapons or props must be left at home, in your vehicle or at our props check desk.


Items purchased of VICC grounds


Any prop or weapons purchased while on the grounds must stay in the packaging until you’re safely off the grounds.


Legal Stuff

VICC will not be held legally responsible for any damages, injuries or lost items as the result of any other VICC attendee.


If you have any other questions or inquiries please do not hesitate to contact us.


General Contest Rules


Cosplayers must adhere to the following guidelines. Failure to do so may result in removal from the contest.


Skits must refrain from being sexual or overtly violent in nature. Please remember this is a family friendly event.


All special effects must be pre-approved by VICC staff. No surprises. Any kind of electrical effect must be self-powered.


No flames or pyro techniques of any kind on stage or on the premises.


Performances promoting discrimation of any kind will result in removal and ban of the VICC premises. Including race, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation or political group.


Lighting show or requests will not be permitted. Example light flickering.


Please refrain from bringing any loose projectiles such as confetti, silly string glitter, water, or smoke.


Stage must remain in the same condition as you left it.


Thank you and we look forward to seeing you at the convention. 


Happy Cosplaying!

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